Green Team Baldivis Secondary College (1)

Timothy Hill

HI !!!!!

 It's Neha from the green team again :)

 So it is about 6 weeks into our first term back and so far we've already had a Footprint Friday ( when we award all who ride or walk to scholl with a raffle ticket that goes towards a draw ).

 It was incredibly sucessful, i'm so proud of our acheivement !!! We got some new members in our green team YAYY!! and they helped us with Footprint Friday ... so with all the amazing new help ( they were amazing at it !! ) we managed to get all the people who walked or rode to school to grab a raffle ticket and our result was nearly twice the amount we got last time !!! IM SO PROUD OF OUR AMAZING SCHOOL !! I THINK WE ARE DEFINEITELY HAVE A POSITIVE IMPACT ON OUR SCHOOL :) \

It has been delightful , bye :)

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