A Your Move Update

Abbi Kerimofski
Harrisdale Primary School

Your Move has been vital to the Harrisdale Primary School community and our large number of students. We have a large amount of students in early childhood, which made our Park and Walk Scheme so successful. Students in early childhood are required to arrive and depart school with a parent. A Park and Walk Scheme was a great way for HPS to ensure that all students including those in early childhood were able to participate actively in the scheme. Through our older students modelling what being active looks like, our younger student body are able to feel inspired to walk, scoot or ride to school just like the big kids do!

Harrisdale Primary has a Kiss and Drive through one of the staff carparks. This allows parents whose children cannot actively make their way to school to drop them off or pick them up by car. With a school capacity of over 1100 students promoting active travel over commuting by car is an initiative to alleviate traffic flow issues. Through staff monitoring the Kiss and Drive and Parent feedback we have been able to evaluate the main issues and initiated the Harrisdale Primary School Park and Walk Scheme to overcome these. Through support from parents and the promotion of Harrisdale Primary School being a Your Move school we will be able to create an ultimately active student body.

Principal, Karen Duncan helped get our recognition as a Your Move School and said, “Since opening in 2016, Harrisdale Primary, with a rapidly growing student population, has experienced significant parking and traffic flow issues.

We have worked tirelessly for the past four years with our local community, Council and Department of Education to find solutions to alleviate these issues. Joining the ‘Your Move’ initiative was one such solution.

As a member of the ‘Your Move’ initiative, we strive to think of proactive solutions that encourage our students and families to walk to school.

In this latest venture, the school has teamed with the Satterley Group from the Heron Park Estate to utilise parking available at the sale office and offer an alternative to parents where they can park their vehicles and walk with their child to school.

As an added incentive, parents are being provided with a coffee, compliments of Satterley, to enjoy on their walk to the school.

The students enjoy the benefits of fresh air and exercise, and walking to school with their parents.

We hope that we can grow the number of families participating in this initiative."

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James (Your Move)

Thanks for the extra background on how YM works at Harrisdale (the extra details have earned you 10 points). It's really positive to hear of the influence of the older students and the support you have from your Principal.

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