Establishing our Student Committee

Sarah Adams

I'm happy to report that our Student Committee has officially been established and met in the last week of Term 2. We are lucky to have a large student council at our school and decided to align our sustainability committee with these students. Each cohort has several Student Councillors and we have now established 'Sustainability Representatives' for Year 8 through 12. Our Year 7s have decided to rotate this role so that all Councillors can have the opportunity to participate.

To add to this, we are also thrilled to have our Kalamunda Education Support Center peers on board. As we share a campus we have representatives from both schools on our Student Committee so that we can work collaboratively on new initiatives.
Our next meeting will be held in Week 2, so that we can finalise all our activities planned for the annual 'Kalamunda Day' held this August. Students are planning to run a sustainability scavenger hunt to encourage students to consider ways we can be environmentally responsible including active methods of transport to and from school. We will also be nominating students to become 'Your Move' representatives so that students can share their perspectives about changes occurring at the school.

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James (Your Move)

Hi Sarah - I like how you have integrated your YM program into the school's existing student committee structure. It's also really positive that you have been able to link in with the neighbouring Education Support Centre. Make sure you let us know how the Kalamunda Day goes! You got 60 points for getting a student team going and a bonus 10 for the interesting details.

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