A young student at SPS was injured last year on his way to school and was hospitalised following an accident. He has since made a remarkable recovery. Consequently, SPS has enriched in more Road Safety initiatives and raised our Road Safety awareness across the school through classroom lessons and activities, active travel days, assemblies and especially during National Road Safety Week. We coached students with stories, videos, and songs to prepare them for Walk Safely to School Day which was held on the 17th of May 2024.

During the NWS2SD celebration the young student and his mum had a wonderful opportunity to Join Stuart Aubrey, Member for Scarborough, with David Michael, the Minister of Road Safety at Lake Gwelup Primary School during their National Walk Safely to School Event. What a special experience for the student to see some ‘famous’ movers and shakers, and, to get a chance to circulate amongst the key people who lead all aspects of road safety. He eagerly shared his delight by showing these great photos to his classmates!!

This story is related to Students attend external workshop

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James (Your Move)

Hi again Sandy. I'm sorry to hear about the boy who want injured last year - but very happy to know that he has made a wonderful recovery 🙂. I bet he was really happy to chat to your local MP and the Minister of Road Safety. If the road safety initiatives you mention haven't already been covered in a recent story then make sure you fill us in! You have earned 10 points for sharing this good news story 😁.

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