Your Move Team

Published by Roser, Adi

28 January 2025

Your Move Team

Get started with your 2025 planning

Welcome back for Term 1, 2025! We hope you had a relaxing break and are ready to dive into another exciting year with Your Move. 

As we kick off the year, it's a great time to start planning! Get started by:
We also have some great resources to help you plan out your school’s Your Move activities this year including:

Activities List 

The Your Move Schools Activities List combines a list of all the Your Move activities, with an action planning template on the front that will help you achieve your program goals for the year. The action planning template on page one is now interactive so you can fill it out in Adobe Acrobat or Apple Preview!

Online Activity Planner

The new online Activity Planner page is an easy and inspiring way to plan out your 2025 activities. The interactive planner lets you explore different activities and then allocate them to a Term. It even adds up the number of Your Move points you’d get for each to give you an estimated accreditation level! 

2025 Your Move Calendar 

This handy new resource is a visual calendar on the front and an editable calendar planner on the back to help you map out your key Your Move active travel and sustainability dates throughout the year. You can either print it out and put it on the wall, or simply open it up in Adobe Acrobat (or Apple Preview) and fill it out with your student team on the electronic whiteboard etc. Download the calendar now. 


Relatively new to the program?

Check out our 2025 Champions Guide. This guide covers what’s involved in being a Champion, how the Your Move program works, what a typical school journey looks like and some activities to get you started. 

Resources page

The Resources page of the website is packed with how to guides, lesson plans and activity ideas, case studies and other helpful information to help you get the most out of the program. 

Most importantly, remember the Your Move team are here to help you every step of the way. Don’t hesitate to drop us an email message at or call us on 08 6551 6040 if you have any questions. 

Written Written by Roser, Adi


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  • Comment by Arlene Yates

    Published on 30/01/2025

    Sorry I meant A4! Thanks.

  • Comment by Arlene Yates

    Published on 30/01/2025

    It would be great if the calendar planner was available in A5. Thanks