After around 18 months of user workshops, hours of testing and user feedback, tweaks, and more tweaks, there is now a staged launch currently in process to deliver a more streamlined user-centric Your Move experience.
NEW staged launch dates:
Monday 15 July 2024 - Public pages GO LIVE
A whole bunch of new public pages are now accessible such as Home, Schools, Organisations, About Your Move, Resources and the all-new multi-modal Journey Planner.
Logged-in pages GO LIVE is immenent!
Weve almost solved all the issues that have been holding up our launch, so its looking very likely that later this week (August 21-23), users will finally be able to log into the website and access their new Dashboard, Stories page, Surveys and Reports, the all-new Activity Planner and the enhanced Rewards Shop. Stay tuned...
The good news is that ALL the stories have been successfully being migrated across to the new platform (all 7000 of them!) and they are all looking great! 😊
Website webinar - 'Show and Tell'
The Your Move team held a 'show and tell' webinar on Monday 29 July at 3:30 pm where we took users through the new website’s 'logged in' pages and explained how each page works.
Watch the webinar recording here
There was information about the specific tools on the website like the 'Dashboard', 'Write story', 'Activity Planner', the 'Hands up Survey' form and 'Survey and Reports' pages. Our head story marker James also took users behind the scenes and opened the 'black box' of marking stories to give you an insight into how to write a great story and score the most points for it!
If you missed this session for any reason, click the link above to watch the recording.
Update your browser!
Make sure you all update your browser to the latest version of Google Chrome, Apple Safari or Microsoft Edge (If you are on Internet Explorer, you will need to download one of these).
Logging into the new site
Before you 'login' for the first time, you’ll be asked to reset your password.
You’ll also be asked to generate, and then enter, a code to verify your identity via the same email that you previously used to log in to the old website.
Read our step by step guide to login in here
If you need any further information or help, please visit the Contact Us page and send us a message or phone our team directly on 6551 6040.
Written Written by Buckenara, Trevor
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