Lesson plan - Independent active travel trip planning
In this lesson plan, students practice planning a public transport and bike journey to improve confidence and ease of active travel.
Use the information in this guide to help you complete the activity with students. See also Links to Western Australian Curriculum on page 5.
Year level: Years 6 – 8
This resource also forms part of the Independent Active Travel - Year 7 Transition Guide resource, which is packed with activities for high schools to consider using to help encourage a culture of active travel at their school.
Learning outcomes
Students will be able to:
• Define what Active Travel is and describe how it can be experienced in their local context;
• Use a map to find the location of both their home and school;
• Use the Your Move and Transperth journey planners to plan a bike and public transport commute from home to school;
• Identify the Transperth rules for safe travel on public transport;
• Identify and problem solve potential challenges for Active Transport journeys, and;
• Explore the Your Move online resources for planning Active Travel to and from school.