Safe Routes to School Access Guides
What is a Safe Routes to School Access Guide?
A Safe Routes to School Access Guide is a leaflet that maps four to five safe and popular walking, wheeling and riding routes to your school.
The map also includes local amenities, ‘park and walk’ locations, walking bus starting points, locations of school bike parking, high traffic areas, crossing guard locations and local walking and riding infrastructure.
The Your Move team works with WestCycle to generate the guides, identifying the routes, and then seeks review and input from the school and local government area.
An access Guide is a great way to encourage students to walk, wheel and ride to school more often.
Stencilling and student activity package – offered to a limited number of schools: To complement the Access Guide, approximately 30 blue footprint and 'look both ways' stencils will be painted along the safe routes to school to help parents and students identify them. In addition, to foster a sense of ownership of these routes, WestCycle will deliver a pathway stencil painting activity with 8 to 10 students from your school, allowing them to join in with the painting.