Getting started -Tips and tools to plan Your Move
So you’ve taken the first step and registered your school for Your Move, but what do you do now? Here you'll find some easy steps to follow that will help get you started!
We've created a range of awesome resources to help you get up and running (or walking and riding a bike!), so why not bookmark this page so you can come back to it whenever you need some inspiration or feel like you're getting stuck for ideas?
These resources have been designed to help you build your program from start to finish:
- Spread the Word - Tell your school community about what you've been doing with our handy 'YM Communications and Media Kit'.
- School Champion's Guide - The essential step-by-step guide for any Your Move Champion.
- For 'Organisation Champions', download the pdf guide below.
- For 'Organisation Champions', download the pdf guide below.
- Your Move Activities List - A great tool to print out and work through with your team, with a handy list of all Your Move activities and the points you'll score for completing them
- Calendar Planner - A simple term-by-term planner packed with with hints, suggestions and ideas to use throughout the year
- Your Move Parent Survey - The best way to find out what challenges you might face in getting students walking, riding bikes or taking public transport is to ask their parents
- Your Move templates, social tiles and promotional tools - If you want create Your Move posters, send out an email to staff or put a great image in the school newsletter, we've got you covered!