On Tuesday the 4th of April SPS celebrated a Your Move active travel day by including an Easter Themed Scavenger Hunt on one of our travel days, but for students from Kindy to year One. This was for students to complete on the way to school. This was for just students from Kindy to Year 1. We received feedback from last year’s scavenger hunt, and it was reported that the older kids weren’t so captivated as much as the younger years. On reflecting, great success for the K-1. However, we will look at something during our team’s planning time that can be something for the upper school to join in.

The motivation for this scavenger hunt was once again, “things you wouldn’t have seen if you had been driving to school”. Each K-1 class received a giant Easter egg outside each classroom for the students to place their collected loose parts and items on the egg and talk about what things they had collected that morning. We placed these around the school grounds strategically or near those classrooms.

My team were amazing, coming in early to plan and then start the walk around the perimeter of the school grounds and walking around the block with me, and some very helpful family volunteers to place the Easter themed things ready to be found. We included Jokes (why didn’t the chicken cross the road? He was too chicken!), added toys, chalk drawings, paintings and drawings, posters, and signs were in trees and on fences and pathways.

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James (Your Move)

With all those bunny ears, the kids clearly got into the Easter theme 🐰🐰🐰! Great to share all the fun and games Sandy. You have earned 25 points for this activity, 10 for including all the classes in K-1 and 20 points for your engaging story.

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