National Walk Safely to School Day

Liam Broad
Treeby Primary School

We had a big plan for National Walk Safely to School Day and our student team were up to the challenge. We had a meeting at the start of the term to put all our ideas down. They went away to create posters using Pic Collage to promote this day. The student team then went around to each classroom to tell them about National Walk Safely to School Day. We also regularly updated our school Facebook and Connect page so all parents were aware of this event.

We wanted to give stickers to everyone who participated on the day and we came up with the idea to personalise the stickers for our school. So I created a sticker using Avery WePrint. I was able to design a sticker and print on Avery round labels.

Our Your Move Student Team braved the rain and met all students and parents at our gates who walked or rode to school. They gave all participating students one of our stickers. We even had a class have 100% of students participate in active transport for the day. With 2 more classes having over 90%.

Every student who received a stickers was given a raffle ticket from their teacher, as we had a raffle draw from every class. We used prizes from the Your Move Reward Shop with the slap bands being a huge hit with the kids. Here are a few of our winners.

To help promote the day we had kids participate in a colour in competition. Classes were able to choose how they were going to do this. With some doing it as class work and others sending it home with the kids. The categories that we had for the students were Kindy - Pre Primary, Year 1 - Year 2 and Year 3 - Year 6. Once again we used prizes from the Your Move Reward Shop for the winners. Here are pictures of some of our best.

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James (Your Move)

You have all been so busy at Treeby 😮! Thanks for sharing so many details of your NWS2SD and the many ways of how you promoted it. It is great to hear that despite the rain you still had so many joining in. You have also earned lots of points - 40 for the event, another 40 for your team's presentations to each class in the school, 10 for using social media this term to promote active travel, 25 for your colouring in comp and a final 20 points for your indepth and engaging story 😁.

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