Tuart Hill Student Leaders Present to the Kindy Kids

Wendi Graham
Tuart Hill Primary School

Here are my amazing group of Your Move Student Leaders.

Today they visited the Kindergarten classes to teach them about active travel and the Your Move program.

It all started quite badly actually as the gate to the kindy area broke so no-one could get in! Once this was resolved, my amazing leaders spoke to the kindy kids about riding, walking or scooting to school. They talked about the benefits of being active and the great things you can see when you ride or walk with your family. They also talked about road safety and having awareness when crossing the road.

The kindy kids loved the talk, so hopefully they will spread the news to their families and be active this week.

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James (Your Move)

The kindy kids loved the talk - but judging by the photo, the team loved delivering it just as much 🥰. Your team have earned 40 points for presenting to the Kindy classes and you have earned another 10 for your engaging story.

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