Introducing our STARS!

Arlene Yates

Back in Term 1, the Team discussed the WHY & WHEN of Star Cards for this year. Because we didn't really have a clear cut idea of WHEN, I set the Team the challenge of researching to get the answer. What better way than to check with peers! The following week, I asked for the "evidence" to back the decision to be made. The Team agreed that most responses favoured a Term 2 start to Star Cards. Before the end of term, via the YM presentations at Assemblies, all classes were made aware that Star Cards would be starting in Term 2.

So very early in the term, all classes were provided with Star Cards to be issued to those choosing AT on Toesdays. The response has been good with most classes having a number of Star Carders. This week we checked to see if we had any "STARS" ie 5 Stars in a row. We did! Congratulations to those 8 students who are regularly, and at least once a week, using AT to come to school. As the inaugural 2018 STARS, all 8 students will have a pick from our prize box. We are very pleased to note that 3 of these students are from the Junior section of the school. From now on, 5 in a rowers, will be placed in a hat & a couple of Star Cards drawn for a pick from the prize box. Depending on how many 5 in a rowers, more SCs may be drawn.

Mentor's note: Of the 8 STAR students, 3 are from the YM Team. Great to see you setting an excellent example Tori, Mitchell & Hayleigh!

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James (Your Move)

Thanks for the details of how you are using the Star Cards on your Toesdays. It's always nice to hear how each school uses the YM tools in their own way so that it suits them best.

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